Monday, January 13, 2014

Start a project

When I first started taking pictures and joined Flickr I came across the phrase project 365 and project 52.  I was clueless. 

Project 365:  a picture a day for one year
(can be started at any day of the year and ends on the same day a year later)

Project 52:  one picture each week for one year
(can be taken any day of the week)

I learned that if you really want to improve your photography, a photo a day will do just that.  You find yourself really seeing the world through a lens, even when you are not holding your camera in your hands.  It also allows you to look at the very first picture of your project and your very last photo.  That in itself is the best reward. 

If you have never done a project like this before it is best to make it as easy as possible.  And take pictures of everything.  Really document your life and your surroundings.

1.  Use your mobile phone to take some of the daily/weekly shots.  It takes some of the pressure off.  Some use solely use their phones.  Always have some sort of camera with you.
2.  Take a shot first thing in the morning to tuck away just in case you do not get to it later in the day.
3.  Share your photos on Flickr, Instagram, or Facebook.  Accountability to
others is a great way to succeed.
4.  Download project 365 apps to help you keep track.  I use Collect.  At the end of each day it will even remind you to upload your shot. You add it to the app and it adds it to the calendar.  See below.
5.  Most of all forgive yourself if you miss a day.  Just keep shooting. 

Other sources of information.
6 Inspiring 365 projects
Project simplify
Project Life 365
Digital Photography School 11 tips for 365
Capture Your 365

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