Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Lately I've been thinking a lot about reflecting, reflecting on the past, on our own inner dialogue, on our view of others..wait, how does that relate to photography? I'm so glad you asked! Because I've also been thinking about photography and skills we learn along the way and how our views of the world are shaped by what we see and what we share with others. We can choose to focus on problems or we can focus on solutions. We can focus on love or we can focus on loss. We can focus on what's right in front of us or we can focus on what's coming up. It's our choice, in photography and in life and what we focus on determines how our photograph (or our life) turns out.

Enjoy the reflection and look past it, choose what you focus on. ~Charlaine


  1. So true. I've been loving your reflection shots. They are not so easy.

  2. nicely put. I like the thought of our reflections and what we do and see in our lives can be reflected in our photos…or artwork.
