Wednesday, January 8, 2014

shine your sink

This may sound crazy but it is very difficult for me to feel inspired if I have housework or other duties to do.  I feel to guilty spending that euphoric inspiration time if I have a stack of dishes in the sink.  

My sink has become this symbol of freedom for me.  If you think this crazy lady is kidding you, I am not.  Just take a stroll through my Flickr or my Instagram feed and you will come across images like the one above.  My sink.  

I have a routine.  I wake up, make my bed, clean the bathrooms, consolidate all the garbage cans into the main one, vacuum, start a load of laundry, do a 15 min zone clean, unload the dishes and load the breakfast ones and go to the post office.  Then I shine my sink after everything is done.  It is a significant part of my day.  It means I am free!  

I can take the rest of my day and spend it how I wish.  Normally that means exercise, shower and get dressed.  After that I go for a photowalk, photodrive, any kind of photoshoot I can come up with.  Sometimes it is so cold outside I just take a picture of my sink.

What do you do to help those inspiration gates to open up?

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