Earth & Skye Photography | Marina Spooner
Recently, I was asked to take a photo that defined me. Usually, when presented with this sort of task, I shy away. Why do I do that? There are so many people/photographers/writers/creative folk that have no problem with this. This time, I took it on. I could do this.
Let me start out saying that I'm a natural light photographer that predominantly shoots newborns, children, maternity and families.
When I look at my own work, I can see pieces of me.
Pieces that can be interpreted into style.
My style.
I find that I want my images to show emotion whether it is serenity, happiness or vulnerability. I want them to show motion as well. I don't work out of a studio so I don't want my images to look like they came from one.
So back to the image that defines me...
When I'm alone, with camera, I find myself searching for beauty. It doesn't matter where I am. If I'm at home, I'm looking how the light falls into the empty bedrooms. How the colors change from morning to night. If I'm out, I like to watch the sun dancing in the trees and falling on strangers or objects.
I lean toward the 'hauntingly' beautiful for my personal work. I don't set out with that in mind, it just ends up that way.
What I find beautiful.
My son in the bathtub.
Homemade soup lit up by the late afternoon sun.
Striking colors.
Playing until the last drop of sun.
Silly games that are bursting with love.
And finally. The image that defines me...
It is personal, vulnerable, mysterious and haunting.
It is me.